Since Spring 2011 local residents and visitors to Camden Arts Centre have been working with erect architecture and artist Ashley McCormick to explore the conditions of the wild edges of the Camden Arts Centre in order to develop interventions which will enable new ways of looking, learning, and being in this space
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Design a midtown habitat
Monday, 7 November 2011
We looked at the project blog, to learn what other people's experience of the gardens has been over the year. We discussed what 'wild' might mean in terms of a place. People came up with some great describing words e.g. wonky, overgrown, spikey, dangerous, dense, deep. We agreed that these are special qualities that should be maintained in the garden.
We looked at a small sculpture by Haroon Mizra. He used a mirror to reflect a bisected green vinyl record to appear as a complete circle, the work creates the illusion of depth and invite us to imagine echoed sounds. Playing with green square and triangular motifs and mirror sheets, we created new shapes and deep, unending spaces.
In the garden the fearless adventurers journeyed beyond the barriers to explore the wild edges.
Autumn animations
Birdsong from ashley mccormick on Vimeo.
Birds nesting from ashley mccormick on Vimeo.
Autumn session
On Friday 21st October Year 2 pupils from Holy Trinity School returned to the galleries and gardens for the Autumn session. Pupils considered the definition of a 'wild' space. Some pupils suggested it might be a space that nobody looks after - somewhere untidy - somewhere muddled - a messy place. We explored ideas about mess and order, making ordered patterns and random muddles with square and triangle motifs (inspired by the title of Haroon Mizra's work in gallery 3: I saw square triangle sine).
We looked at some patterns produced by William Morris, and the ways he uses repetition, rhythm, symmetry and two shades of one colour to organise motifs from nature including leaves, seeds, flowers, rabbits and birds.
In the garden we gathered lots of different fallen leaves and sunshine to make magical sunprints, which someone described as "ghosts of leaves". We looked for symmetry in the leaves and prints. Back at school the prints will be used to develop repeating patterns.
We listened closely to the natural sounds, including birdsong and wind rustling the last leaves clinging to the branches and practised mimicking these sounds.
In the gallery we marched around gallery 3 and performed our version of the garden noises adding to Haroon Mizra's soundscape.